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Click below to download the PillBox™ brochure in PDF format

Protection of Field-installed Electronics
The SCADAwise Pillbox™ is a self-contained housing for field installation of electronics packages that need protection from the elements as well as unwelcomed attention. 
Inside, there is up to 3 sq. ft. of panel space with 3’ of mounting DIN rail for mounting equipment and 3’ of wiring Panduit. The equipment panel slides into the cage, which allows for easy removal of all mounted components. The bottom of the cage includes a battery tray allowing the removal and service of the batteries without tools for disassembly. The Pillbox’s integral articulated mast is locked in place when the lid is closed, but once opened, can easily be rotated to the horizontal position for access to mast-mounted hardware. Quickconnect fittings make complete removal of all wiring harnesses and components a snap. The open cover provides a convenient tray to hold meters or small parts or diagnostic instruments while you work.

Features of the SCADAwise PillBox™ Include:
Easy to Install
- No forms or rebar required.
- Installs in 3-foot square excavation & concrete back-fill.
- Final assembly of the complete Pillbox can be accomplished in minutes using hand tools.
- Integral winches can raise & lower both mast and battery housing to convenent working heights.
- Unobtrusive profile reduces interest from vandals.
- Articulated mast support flange locks in place and prevents lowering while the lid is closed.
- The Pillbox lid has a protective cowling that prevents bolt cutters from cutting the lock.
- 20-foot mast length keeps panels and antennas safely out of reach.
Easy to Service
- Panel can be raised to multiple locking positions.
- Raised panel provides easy access to DIN-mounted components.
- Back panel and components can remain powered while raised.
- Internal panel can be raised for access to quick-connect plugs, signal quick-connect plugs, and antenna leader cable.
- Panel can slide out completely, cage can be removed completely.
- Battery cage elevates to convenient working height via integral winch.
- Mast can be lowered via integral winch, placing solar panel and antenna at convenient working height.
- Open lid acts as stable surface for laptops or field equipment to prevent damage or loss.
Easy to Maintain
- Innovative construction protects batteries from ambient temperature extremes by placing them underground. Battery life can double with each 10 degree reduction towards room temperature. *(consult your manufacturer)
- The Pillbox body, inner panel, and cage are all powder-coated for corrosion resistance
- Quick-connect harnesses allow easy equipment replacement.
- Back panel and components raise for easy replacement access, or can be serviced while powered.
Engineered Solution
- Specially designed for quick installation in remote locations where space is limited or vandalism risk is elevated.
- Made, designed, and supported in the United States.
- Panel supports many industry standard DIN rail mounted devices
For more information, download the PillBox pdf brochure,
or contact us.

You can also view PillBox videos on the SCADAWise YouTube channel.
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